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Dru Ann Love, Tina Whittle, and Annie Hogsett at Boucheron Toronto.
Tina Whittle’s Tai Randolph & Trey Seaver mysteries—featuring intrepid gunshop owner Tai and her ex-SWAT partner Trey—have garnered starred reviews in Kirkus, Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, and Library Journal.
A Derringer finalist and two-time nominee for Georgia Author of the Year, Tina enjoys birdwatching, reading tarot cards, and spending time with her family in the Georgia Lowcountry. Her short fiction has appeared in The Savannah Literary Journal, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, and Gulf Stream, which selected her story "Lost Causes and Other Reasons to Live" as the 2004 winner of their Mystery Fiction contest.
When not writing or reading, she enjoys birdwatching, sushi, and reading tarot cards. She is a proud member of MWA and Sisters in Crime, where she has served as a chapter officer and national board member.